DNWR Trail Map

For: US Fish and Wildlife Service – Desert National Wildlife Refuge
Services: Project Management, Cartography, Graphic Design
Team: Southern Nevada Conservancy, Friends of Nevada Wilderness, US Fish and Wildlife Service- Desert National Wildlife Refuge

This project was a joint effort with Friends of Nevada Wilderness (FNW) and Southern Nevada Conservancy (SNC). FNW completed the majority of the initial cartography in ArcMap. I coached the lead cartographer on properly exporting the map for use in Adobe Illustrator, so SNC could add graphic elements to the map.

Issues that we encountered with this map included a lack of ground-truthed trail shapefiles, which we needed to recapture with a field crew. We also chose a map size without considering the folding scheme; this required significant rework before final production.

This map is for sale at Red Rock Canyon NCA, Desert National Wildlife Refuge, and online.